There are a lot of things that I would like to do, in this life, but will probably never get to do.
Here is a partial list:
1) Write a best-selling novel
2) Learn French
3) Build a bottle house
4) Make my own clothes
5) Get a black belt in any martial art
6) Travel North America in a horse-drawn wagon, like the pioneers, or the old-time circus folk and document my travels with compelling photos
7) Make short animated films
8) Write songs that change the world
9) Speak fluent Spanish
10) Rule the earth as a (mostly) benevolent dictator
Today the humidex reached 42, which I think means about 110, farenheit... (the thermometer measures the actual temperature; the humidex measures the degree to which you wish you were dead...) I do not handle the heat particularly well.
The thing about this kind of heat is that it saps your energy so thoroughly. I do not normally watch sports on the television but I'm actually grateful for the World Cup games because they are such a pleasantly mindless distraction from the things I should do but don't have the energy for. My plan for today involves writing a cover letter for a job that I will probably apply for. I'll be lucky if i accomplish this; I have already screwed up the few small tasks I had hoped to accomplish today... this heat also makes me stupid.
There are some other things that I would NOT like to do but sometimes fear I may. Here is a partial list:
1) Scream loudly in the supermarket
2) Chastise people I see in the grocery store, based on the contents of their carts
3) Get so drunk that I actually feel no pain
4) Forget how to speak
5) Write a book that I love but no one will ever publish
6) Overdose on pizza
7) Alienate Rob
8) Make a "surprise" dish that turns out horribly
9) Kill somebody
10)Forget to thank everyone for tolerating me
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